Words of wisdom from a tough old dog


My life has involved many varied trials and tribulations, extensive travel, the early death of my Soul Mate, the passings of many good people and exposure to some of the very bad. Through all of it, my faith in the Lord has kept me out of jail. A man of great Common Sense, I yet recognize that luck is required to reach a very old age. My brushes with death can not be counted on a single hand and my body has yet to fail me. Physical conditioning is like being well prepared for the coming Global Financial Collapse. Use it or lose it.


New Year’s Eve

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The years continue to fly by: once, you were a young kid with a new pair of tennis shoes pretending to be a spy who can stop and start on a dime…then, you’re having your first child…then, your first grandchild…one second at a time, life flies by. So, what will you do ib 2025? Before you know it, 2025 will have been years ago. What will you remember about it? Will that be the year you found God? Will 2025 be the year you got married? New Year’s Resolution are about making the New Year memorable. Having lived through a bunch of them, I can you that only about half of them immediately bring up an event or challenge that made them memorable. Some years require deep thought to determine their worth at all. With all of the economic challenges of the coming two or three years DO THIS. Do some real thinking. Most people get a job and settle in for years…or…a lifetime. This year of great unemployment will provide great opportunities for those who are awake. Each day has opportunity hidden away in some lonely place. LOOK FOR IT! Do not just walk past someone on the sidewalk or in a park; say ‘Hello’. Give a compliment. Venture into a conversation. When I was a teenager I was very shy. I believe that I was fairly good looking as there were several girls who appeared to be interested in me but, I was very concerned about saying ‘the wrong thing’. How stupid. My advice to my nephew – many years ago now – was, “No matter how pretty, talk to girls. Attention is what girls want and it is what they find lacking. Especially the pretty ones. Boys lack self esteem”. Within a month, Jeremy called me. At ten years old, he had a girlfriend. My point is, opportunity needs a spark. Since people are the source of all opportunity, speak up. Say ‘Hello’ to strangers. If you attend church, you should say ‘Hello’ to two dozen people every Sunday…especially the ones who you do not know well. Make this New Year the one in which you were outcoming and extraverted. I was an introvert until I met my wife. Diane was the life of the party. If you can be THAT, you don’t need money. Be outgoing, be more foreward and be more friendly to everyone. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

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