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Almost a week since the landslide eletion of President Trump to once again lead the United States and the vitriol has not even slowed. The supporters of Kamala Harris need to recognize that the election is over. Join your fellow Americans in going forward in unity. A PREPONDERANCE OF AMERICANS voted – not just for President Trump – for a complete conservative sweep in order to change the policies of Bidenomics that have so deeply damaged the United States. This is not conjecture; every important economic indicator points to an eminent Depression. A new administration can not avoid the damage done or the consequences that are soon to become part of the American Dilemma. WE ARE DEAD BROKE. Our tremendous Petroleum Resources will ease some of the pain but, the reality is that millions of Americans are about to lose their homes. Unfortunately, this can not and will not be avoided. The Fractional Reserve banking system of a LARGE Private Bank, widely known as the Federal Reserve, is a convoluted enterprise that is about to meet its end. The Global Elites had planned on a two tiered Global social system – the Haves and the Have Nots; ‘you will own nothing and be happy’…unless you are rich…then, you will own it all. Once the current banking system fails, the commensurate issuance of a CBDC should be shunned AT ALL COST. The millions of Americans who bought into a CREDIT/DEBT mindset and owe over one Trillion dollars in Credit Card Debt will desperately accept the handouts from an equally desperate government. The Federal Reserve have played their cards well but, they know that if a vast majority of Americans do not opt into the CBDC, they will be banished forever. Sound Money is backed by Gold; it always has been since before Roman Times. Those who think that Gold is a Relic and that Modern Monetary Theory is the wave of the future, do not understand that savings and Faith in money can not be replaced by a Bureaucracy – these are the natural instincts of Nature. Printed money has no basis in sound money and only the richest are the benefactors of free money. The wealthy buy more assests while the masses buy ever more expensive milk. The shelf life of the current fiat currency – the Dollar – is upon us. PROTECT YOURSELVES. Everyone should own a minimum of $500 face value of ‘junk Silver’ (pre 1965 dimes, quarters, half dollars and Silver dollars); there may be a brief period when only precious metals and other ‘hard assets’ will have buying power. If for three months you can not buy food, you could have a serious problem. Keep in mind also that NO MATTER WHAT, Silver will appreciate in value. There is no more precious element on Earth than Silver because it has so many vital industrial applications and there is no effective substitute for Silver. NONE. Buy Silver while it is still stupidly cheap.