Words of wisdom from a tough old dog


My life has involved many varied trials and tribulations, extensive travel, the early death of my Soul Mate, the passings of many good people and exposure to some of the very bad. Through all of it, my faith in the Lord has kept me out of jail. A man of great Common Sense, I yet recognize that luck is required to reach a very old age. My brushes with death can not be counted on a single hand and my body has yet to fail me. Physical conditioning is like being well prepared for the coming Global Financial Collapse. Use it or lose it.



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Another day in Paradise! I was born and raised in California. My father was born in Texas and my grandparents lived in Texas their entire lives. So, at three months old I had my first pair of cowboy boots and I have been Texan in heart and soul for as long as I can remember. However, it took me over seventy years to figure that simple truth out. I was in the Land of Purple Hair – Sequim, WA – when it suddenly hit me: I was a Texan in a blue ocean of Liberal discontent. I had a paradigm shift and I looked toward Texas. Though I had passed through the Piney Wood of East Texas a dozen times, I had never stopped or stayed. My search of the entire state of Texas (Google Earth) landed me in Tyler for a number of reasons. My extensive research had revealed that Texas is well on its way to becoming the greatest, strongest and wealthiest State of all fifty United States. After losing my substantial nest egg in 2009, I discovered that the Fractional Reserve Banking System is a malfeasant operation. The Real Estate Crash of 2008 through 2012 created a planned wealth transfer from the middle class to the rich. The Fiat currency system was then saved by printing Trillions of Dollars into existence and the FINAL ROUND of money printing is just now beginning. Inflation will soar for the next two years and Trump – through no fault of his own – will be busy trying to stop the bleeding as good Americans enter an arena of pain for which they are totally unprepared. After five decades of unsustainable debt, he Debt cycle is at its climax and Doom is now inevitable. So, what do we do??? Join a community…churches are best. If you have a plot (anywhere) grow a garden. Stock water, peanut butter and tuna fish. Purchase a small water filtration system in the event that city water is turned off or contaminated. In March 2024, here in Tyler a great deal of tree damage took down power lines for an extended period. Tyler’s City Water pumps were inoperable. For whatever reason, when the water pumps were turned on a few days later, you had to boil the city water before you could consume it. WITHOUT WATER YOU CAN NOT SURVIVE. Talk about contingency plans with your community leaders for whatever eventualities could come to fruition. I am an optimist. However, the reality of food and water shortages are very possible. Power failures could become regular and extended. WHAT WILL YOU DO IF THERE IS NO POWER FOR TWO WEEKS?? WILL YOU BE THROWING YOUR FROZEN GOODS OUT?? IS YOUR HEATING SOURCE VULNERABLE?? If you lose your home due to unforseen circumstances, consider purchasing a used trailer. A nice RV is a comfortable and safe living circumstance. LPG heat and cooking are excellent and inexpensive. Large trailers also have substantial water tanks. If the water is shut off, DO NOT SHOWER!…save your water for drinking. You would be surprised how easy and comfortable it is to live in an RV. I lived in a home with four fireplaces from 2001 to 2009. Now, I live in a 27 foot RV with my wife, my dog and our cat, Doodle. Our rent is $500 a month. The refrigerator is too small, the closets are too small and heavy rain makes a real racket in a metal box…BUT…it is warm, cozy, safe and healthy. Our refrigerator is like a Transexual…it goes both ways, switching from Electric to LPG automatically during a power failure. I do not have the large fish pond or the V12 BMWs anymore…but, I sleep well at night, knowing that I own everything that I have…NO PAYMENTS, NO THREATS, NO BANKS. Get ready for what is next…whatever that may be. If you have young children, there will be ample help from millions of good Americans. WE MUST STICK TOGETHER.

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