Words of wisdom from a tough old dog


My life has involved many varied trials and tribulations, extensive travel, the early death of my Soul Mate, the passings of many good people and exposure to some of the very bad. Through all of it, my faith in the Lord has kept me out of jail. A man of great Common Sense, I yet recognize that luck is required to reach a very old age. My brushes with death can not be counted on a single hand and my body has yet to fail me. Physical conditioning is like being well prepared for the coming Global Financial Collapse. Use it or lose it.


American Destiny

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I thank the Lord that President Trump will now be able to correct the damage that was Joe Biden. The Annals of History will now examine Joe Biden in detail and, over time, the American People will know the full criminality of the Biden Crime Family and the importance of a legitimate Election. That said, the United States Borders – both North and South – will be closed with assistance from our Military. The many thousands of troops stationed around the world should come home; ‘Boots On The Ground’ have been obsolete now for decades. The excuse of to ‘curb the spread of Communism’ died with Vietnam. Oddly, Vietnam (and especially China) is a full blown Capitalist system of Free Enterprise. Having been to Vietnam seven times, each trip revealed a greater number of cranes building new hotels. The police presence in Vietnam is far less in Vietnam than it is here in the United States. Along all of our foreign borders, we should have intermittent ‘Patrol Stations’ that house a dozen Marines with Drones and Robots to monitor the Borders. The Illegals here need to be sent home; our economy can no longer afford the reckless use of our Taxes. The good people of North Carolina and several other states damaged by the recent Hurricanes have received literally nothing from FEMA; FEMA funds have been used to house and feed millions of ‘NEWCOMERS’ as the Biden Clown Show chose to address illegals. The American people are angry for having been ‘sold down the road’. WE DEMAND CHANGE!…and not Obama’s quarters and dimes. American business has decimated our productive capacity because foreign labor was cheaper than American labor. It will take the entirity of President Trump term to bring home a good portion of that manufacturing capacity. If you know what is best for the United States, you will BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Cars manufactured in the United States are acceptable as American Made Products, though parts and profits are not. Americans generally take great pride in their work and that is good not only for a man’s pocket book but good for his Heart and his Mind. And happy men are happy and good fathers. For too long, the American Family has been absent good fathers. Family disputes must be better handled by our Justice System. In many cases, action does require jail time but – even in most of these cases – a new remedy should be implemented. Men and Women guilty of FAMILY CRIMES should be counseled by Volunteers. Assistance should be given for the root causes of the problems if and when that can be determined. WE NEED TO HEAL OUR BROKEN COUNTRY. So many facets of American Society have been denigrated by the pursuit of money and ‘the high life’. In the 1980’s there was a NEW BUMPER STICKER that was popular for several years: “HE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST TOYS WINS”. It would have been an entertaining quip if it were not for the fact that these stickers were generally on expensive cars and trucks towing boats and Jet Skis. It is a downright sinful attitude to flaunt what you have and proclaim your lack of Christianity for all to see. This not who Americans are. The current economic reckoning will be crucial to fixing our Social and Spiritual issues. I have had my troubles with the Lord; the suffering and hypocrisy are everywhere to be seen. BUT, I go to church almost every Sunday and I am a better man for it. American Compassion is coming back. My mother was born and raised in Austria. At the end of WWII, the Russians inhabited the Eastern half of Austria and the Americans controlled the Western half of Austria. My father was a bridge guard for several weeks where he met my mother, who was ‘smuggling’ women across the river because the Russians were raping girls and women from 8 to 80. The Americans were sharing chocolate with the kids and cigarettes with anyone who would smoke them. The Russians are victims of a violent country…I get that. Americans are generous and compassionate because we are truly Blessed. Though we have lost our way, America has a Destiny. We will save ourselves and then, WE WILL SAVE THE WORLD.

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