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It is a New World
I am definitely ‘Old School’; for decades ‘My Word Was My Bond’. If I promised to bring a large construction project ‘in under budget’…I did. If I promised to take my neighbors trash cans out while he was away, I did not fail. It defined – to a certain degree – who I was. What individuals say is accountable. So, when my Doctor told me that a medical procedure did not involve a CoPay, I assumed that he knew whereof he spoke. Christus Mother Francis disagree with my Doctor Khaliq and I have been billed for a $50 CoPay for several months now. I do not feel that I am legally obligated to pay this bill but, I probably will…it has now cost a lot of wasted time and aggravation. So, today I went into the new Dunkin’ Donuts here in South Tyler. I asked how much a large coffee was…”$1.49”, came the reply. “And a Donut?” I asked…$1.29. So, I ordered a large coffee and two apple cider donuts. I am good at math so one and a half plus $2.60 is $4.10…a $5 bill should do it. When my coffee and two donuts was delivered by another individual, he looked at my $5 and said, “It’s $6.78”. A large coffee was, in fact, $2.99 and Donuts were $1.49 each. The impact of what people say now is such that you need to write it all down. Know what you’re getting into. I ask for pricing because I can then make a good decision as to what I want or, whether I want it at all. I certainly do not need donuts and coffee; though the coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts is exceptionally good. The donuts were so-so; maybe I should have dunked but, that is something that I just do not do. It seems juvenile to me. The second donut was because I was on my way to the gym…something that I have done regularly for my entire life. I did some 100 lb leg presses and some upper body. I have never really worked my legs but, about ten years ago, I was getting sharp pains in the backs of my legs. I had to stop playing racketball on one occasion because it was too painful. I studied up on Sciatica, and took some recommended medication. The pain continued, several times stopping me in my tracks. I decided to start doing some leg exercises and immediately, light leg presses stopped the problem. Additionally, my balance improved. Over my lifetime, I have studied older people and I have noticed that over 70, many do not walk confidently…or even straight. Leg presses have improved my walking and recently, it was raining so hard that I went into a slow run. I have not run in years and, to my surprise, it was easy. Your Quadraceps – thigh muscles – are the largest muscle in your body. About fifty years ago, I read in a body building magazine that a study had been done, by Stanford, on muscle development. It was discovered that working the Quadraceps involves more than just isolated muscle mass; the chemicals produced by the body will IMPROVE ALL MUSCLE TISSUE as the chemicals flow throughout your body. Another study was particularly interesting. A man with thirteen inch Biceps was put on a regimen where he vigorously worked his right arm and did nothing with his left arm. After several months the man’s arms were measured. The heavily worked right arm had grown from 13 to 15 inches, whereas the left arm – that had not participated in the workouts – grew from 13 inches to 14.5 inches. This illustrates that there is definitely a chemical impact of your muscle tissue. Therefore, do not just hike for conditioning. Light leg presses are a very beneficial exercise in both elderly men and elderly women. Younger people are active enough that this is not necessary. Now, as a regular part of my workout, I will do four or five sets of 50, one hundred pound leg presses. Try it; you may find that this will improve your health and, I believe, that it will lengthen your life!