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This is a somewhat late post today but, I have something interesting to share. Almost daily, I take my dog ‘Shaka’ for a mile walk at a park here in Tyler, Texas that is quite extraordinary. Rose Rudman Park was donated to the city by, I assume, the family of Rose Rudman. Here in East Texas, we have 100 foot Hardwood trees everywhere and nowhere more prolific than Rudman Park. This small park is as nice as any National Park or forest – foreign or Domestic that I have ever been to. It was a little cool this morning so me – in a tee shirt – took up a brisk pace that had Shaka trotting half of the time. Along the way, I greeted the dozen or so fellow hikers with a loud “Good Morning!” and all but one returned the greeting. One man – not quite as senior as I – said nothing and gave me somewhat of a smirk. Huh. My baseball cap reads “Trump” in bold letters and our flag’s stripes cover the visor. It is so sad that some individuals would deny the choice of others for President or, anything else for that matter. What puzzles me is that for the first time in the 248 year life of our Republic, a Presidential Candidate was not NOMINATED, NOT APPROVED BY POPULAR VOTE, but rather APPOINTED by an unknown entity. Now THAT, deserves a smirk. Had Harris actually been elected, the legal ramifications of such an UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS would have yet unknown consequences. In the face of that eventuality, a very strong majority of AMERICANS voted for Donald Trump and those who did not vote for him need to move on and be productive AMERICANS. These UNITED STATES will continue to amaze the world, be the envy of it, and promote the fantastic ideas that only this country through its GARDEN OF FREEDOM can provide in order to advance Mankind to ever greater heights. We are all Blessed to be Americans. As a very young boy, I often pondered that I could have been born elsewhere in the world where I saw suffering, starvation and wars. We should all be grateful for what we have and we should never fail to return a “Good Morning” as long as we have the breath and wherewithall to reply.