Words of wisdom from a tough old dog


My life has involved many varied trials and tribulations, extensive travel, the early death of my Soul Mate, the passings of many good people and exposure to some of the very bad. Through all of it, my faith in the Lord has kept me out of jail. A man of great Common Sense, I yet recognize that luck is required to reach a very old age. My brushes with death can not be counted on a single hand and my body has yet to fail me. Physical conditioning is like being well prepared for the coming Global Financial Collapse. Use it or lose it.



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I have no idea how many people might be following my blog but, with a Degree in English, writing is something that comes easy to me. That said, I will now expound on something that I wrote just yesterday. There is about to be a Global Paradigm Shift concerning Silver. For decades now, there has been a GLOBAL effort to suppress Silver. Because Silver technologies are accelerating almost DAILY, the cat is about to exit the proverbial ‘BAG’. Samsung has just successfully developed a SOLID STATE SILVER BATTERY. The significance of this first attempt at a solid state battery can not be overstated. Simply put, ‘THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING’. Just imagine not ever having to worry about charging your cell phone again. Why? Because a single charge will last two weeks and a new ‘Energy Belt’ will be developed with a built-in SOLID STATE SILVER BATTERY that will not just charge your phone in ten minutes, it will start your car or even act as a Tazer. SILVER just became indispensable, invaluable and a NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERN. And this is just the start. Within the next ten years, advances in Mini Solar Panels that utilize Silver will be incorporated into the roof of all electric vehicles; for short commutes, you will never need to charge your car. With this new technology, the Electric Vehicle is now finally VIABLE. Even EV Charging Stations will use these new High Density Solar Panels and SOLID STATE SILVER BATTERIES to quickly charge the SOLID STATE SILVER BATTERIES onboard the vehicle in under fifteen minutes…that will run the EV another 400 miles! The use of Artificial Intelligence to regulate the EV Battery use and charging to optimize battery life and efficiency will contribute to these new technologies and within ten years, EVs will truly replace petroleum powered vehicles out of shear convenience and minimal expense without regard to what the Earth cares about its climate. By 2030, EVs will be inexpensive and their use will extend not just to heavy trucks but, farm equipment and aircraft. SILVER WILL DO THIS…not petroleum, not nuclear, not hydrogen, not gas. The EV’s ‘TIME’ has just now begun with the advent of the SOLID STATE SILVER BATTERY! AND! The implications are truly endless. The ‘Power Grid’ days are numbered as new homes incorporate private energy generation systems that are inexpensive with virtually ‘no maintenance requirements’. The household A.I. system will not just inform you of a necessary battery change…it will order the battery and notify you of delivery. The replacement will be accomplished within thirty minutes by a Robot at no cost. You will not even need to be home! Inhome vehicle charging stations will be everywhere and cost less than a horse. THIS BEGINS NOW and, it will progress rapidly. Be prepared for this to happen in ‘the blink of an eye’. To fully benefit from this transformation, there is but one thing to do. Buy SILVER, while it is still LEGAL TO DO SO.

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